
Es werden Posts vom November, 2020 angezeigt.

The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan - The genocide against the peoples of Europe

The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan - The genocide against the peoples of Europe Mass immigration is a phenomenon, the reasons for which are cleverly covered up by the system, and multicultural propaganda tries to portray it as inevitable (without alternative). With this article we intend to prove once and for all that it is not a spontaneous phenomenon. What is being propagated as the inevitable result of modern life is a plan devised at a table and prepared over decades to destroy the shape of the continent. Pan-Europe Few people know that the main initiator of European integration was the same man who created the plan for the genocide of the peoples of Europe. It is a dark figure whose existence is unknown to the masses, but is considered by the elites to be the founder of the European Union. His name is Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi. His father was an Austrian diplomat named Heinrich von Coudenhove-Kalergi (with connections to the Byzantine family of the Kallergis) and his mother the...

Getty Museum-Los Angeles

Getty Museum-  Los Angeles Founder. : Jean Paul Getty Founded: 1953, Malibu California Headquarters: Los Angeleso Whistleblower Steven D. Kelley tells of her life in the underground city of the Getty Museum; In his time, he managed to get into some secret parts of this underground city and investigate it with remote surveillance/wiretapping and similar Tracking Tools from deep military intelligence. In one of the different floors deep underground, he came across TESLA technologies whose formulas were known to be stolen. Kelley says this technology secures the energy needs of the entire underground city.  Kelley also discovered that Edwards AFB (Edwards Air Force Base) and Elite la Manor were directly connected by private subways. He observed and revealed satanic rituals with homeless and disappeared children who were abducted in the temples of these mansions. Who is Kelley? STEVEN D KELLEY is one of the world's leading electro-optics engineers and inventors of the defense indu...

Hör auf und denk an 20 Jahre später

Stop and think about 20 years later Cars that drive many kilometers with little fuel, computers with voice command, smart buildings will be part of life… Think about 20-30 years ago today... There were many things we saw and admired in movies, and behind them we said it was a movie. Then this distant technology gradually began to settle into our lives. Mobile phones, Laptops, iPhones, LCD TVs have become indispensable for our lives. Many things that are spoken, observed, or discussed cease to dream, and those that we once saw Science Fiction are now in US… Think now of 20 years after today. I wonder what changes there will be in medicine and technology by then. Many innovations that today can only be observed in the laboratory will be available to mankind in a short time, many innovations in the field of computer science, many inventions in health care, new discoveries deep in space. Cars that drive many kilometers with little fuel, computers that consist of a tiny screen and work with...

How to best create obedient, controllable Zombies:

How to best create obedient, controllable Zombies: Make fluorine into the toothpaste. Mercury in the teeth. Glyphosate in the food. Extract vitamins and minerals from the food. Inoculate them with toxic substances. Sprinkle them with Chemtrails. Dabble your mind with television hypnosis, gossip magazines and targeted manipulative news. Close important chakras by e.g. baptism. Hide real knowledge about health and disease. Bring masses of false knowledge about health and disease. Create a lot of hard-to-understand, contradictory, and thus inscrutable laws. Bring contradictory knowledge among the masses so that they quarrel and split. Do everything that is right, true and important is ridiculous. Force them to maximum adaptation at a young age and suppress their natural needs and enthusiasm (school). Teach them to submit unconditionally to authorities. Distract them with bread and play away from the essentials. Install sports, culture, computer games, TV shows, mobile apps...  Teach t...


UNDER THE DNA OF THE REAL WORLD WAR 💥 Sir... The sperm is yours, but the child is not yours. The incident exploded in August of this year with a phone that came after the examination of samples sent by a well-known Istanbul businessman to a London "DNA Research Center". The famous businessman also sent the DNA of his newborn child and asked for a genetic map. This was the company's representative in Istanbul... "Your report has arrived, but there is an interesting Situation. Face to face........ The famous businessman went home. He was told: "Sperm is your sperm. But DNA is not your DNA. It belongs to a man who lives 10,000 miles from here, 10 years younger than you.” This event was published in 2004. he brought an incident to Alaska in his year. Because this incident had penetrated the"data inventory" of all police authorities in the world. THE DNA IN THE SPERM BELONGED TO AN INTERESTING PERSON In 2004, a woman was sexually assaulted in Anchorage, Al...

Something is going on

Something is going on. Some of us see it. Some of us feel it. It's time to expand your thinking. You need to reset everything you thought you knew about the world. About the people you trust. About the story. About you. Let me tell you a story. Our world has long been under the growing influence of a huge intergenerational criminal Mafia that has managed to reach the highest levels of power. We didn't know because they talked and acted the same way you and I did. We thought we could recognize true criminals by their words and actions, but were deceived by their refined language, wealth, education, beauty, and power. Through a system of threats, blackmail and bribery, they would achieve the highest levels of power in government, business and education. You may know them the Deep State or the cabal. Most dangerously, however, they gained an almost complete influence over the media - their primary means of controlling the good people of the world who were just trying to get on wit...

The Background of the Virus-conversation.

 The Background of the Virus-conversation.  Prepare for the world debt Reset program " and UBI!                 World's leading radiation sickness "Covid19' s 2. and 3. he's preparing for his shaft. They are fine-tuning the blocking strategies to be implemented in 2021. The planning involves the development of a new world economy that promotes medical fascism as a permanent way of life ...  At the Davos summit level, a campaign for a new world government system is launched, accompanied by "oppression from below, active use of influence agents" and secret assassinations of leaders seen as obstacles the subsequent negotiations, the US president of the day will face the joint pressure of the Russians and Chinese. Until then, China's will will adopt a "reformed", A so-called democratic System!Historic closures will create mass poverty, and people's financial and food security will become weaker and more vulnerable. And in the end,...

Wenn Ihnen dieser #Impfstoff injiziert wird, handelt es sich also um medizinischen #Kannibalismus, und Sie unterstützen die Industrie, die #Körperteile von #Babys erntet – mit dem Ziel, Gewinne zu erzielen.!!

Wenn Ihnen dieser #Impfstoff injiziert wird, handelt es sich also um medizinischen #Kannibalismus, und Sie unterstützen die Industrie, die #Körperteile von #Babys erntet – mit dem Ziel, Gewinne zu erzielen.!! Sie sehen die Berichte überall in den Nachrichten: Der neue #Coronavirus-Impfstoff von #Pfizer muss bei -70*C (-94F) gelagert werden, was viel kälter ist als am Nordpol. Wird er nicht bei dieser Temperatur gelagert, beginnen sich seine Inhaltsstoffe zu zersetzen, und er kann nicht wirken. Gegenwärtig behauptet Pfizer ohne Beweise, dass sein Impfstoff „zu 90% wirksam“ ist. Aber diese Behauptung ist kaum mehr als Firmenpropaganda, die darauf abzielt, die Aktienkurse durch falsche Prognosen in die Höhe zu treiben. Aber warum müssen diese Impfstoffe überhaupt bei -70*C gehalten werden? Die Antwort, so stellt sich heraus, liegt darin, dass sie potenziell gefährliche Inhaltsstoffe enthalten, die noch nie zuvor in Impfstoffen verwendet wurden. Wie die Children’s Health Defense ...

500 CEOs wollen eingreifen, wenn Joe Biden nicht Präsident wird

500 CEOs wollen eingreifen, wenn Joe Biden nicht Präsident wird Die Chefs der "Fortune-500" Unternehmen sagen, dass sie ein "Eingreifen" planen, sollte Joe Biden nicht bis zum 20. Januar 2021 als Präsident inauguriert worden sein. In dem Bericht von  The US Sun heisst es, dass die 500 CEOs planen, im Namen von Biden einzugreifen und Druck auf die republikanischen Gesetzgeber auszuüben, falls Präsident Trump die "Übergabe an Joe Biden" blockieren sollte. Dies wollen sie u.a. durch öffentliche Erklärungen tun. Die CEOs wollen noch das Wahlergebnis der Neuauszählungen in Georgia am 20. November abwarten und dann ihre nächsten Schritte entscheiden. Zu den Massnahmen könnten Drohungen gehören, Spenden an politische Aktivisten oder Unternehmensverlagerungen. Die Lobby des Grosskapitals und die Wall Street versuchen seit Jahren, die wirtschaftliche Agenda von Präsident Trump zu untergraben. Die US-Handelsammer und der Business Roundtable vertreten einige der grös...

CHEMTRAILS and quantum computers

CHEMTRAILS and quantum computers The demons that rule the Earth have the technology of the third millennium. Keep this technology secret and hidden from us. You are dealing with stone age technology! And why?? Man and Jinn Devils pursue a common plan! They want to mislead people. They want to lock brains into a kind of virtual realm (Matrix)! For this you need a very advanced, secret technology. The fact that this technology is being decoded means that your plans are falling into the water! On the other hand, they want to control people absolutely. Like a God! To fulfill these ambitions, they had to develop a kind of divine technology! God-technology or quantum computer! Nanobots are sprayed into the atmosphere by Chemtrails! Nanobots are nano robots that can be the size of a dust particle or a smaller diameter. They are too small to be seen. Because they are the size of dust, they are also referred to as "smart dust". The Chips are now nano size. Nanobots are now produced wi...

Corona-vaccination interferes with DNA!

Corona-vaccination interferes with DNA! After months of massive restrictions on personal rights, many people long for a "normal life" again, with all personal freedoms. According to federal research Minister Anja Karliczek, the key to this return lies only in a new vaccine that has yet to be developed. According to Tagesschau, the federal government wants to spend up to 750 million euros on this. Unmistakably, a key point paper of the federal government puts it in a nutshell: "The corona pandemic ends when a vaccine is available to the population.“ This outlandish Definition of the end of the corona pandemic raises the question: Does the vaccination lobbyist Bill Gates possibly exert more influence on the government than is officially admitted? According to an ARD Interview on 12 April 2020, Corona wants to invade the entire world population of 7 billion people.  However, even Gates had to openly admit in an Interview that he expects 700,000 cases of vaccine damage from ...

Die Behörden von Florida verhaften fast 200 Personen wegen Kindeshandels

 Die Behörden von Florida verhaften fast 200 Personen wegen Kindeshandels Die Behörden des Sunshine State haben diese Woche ein massives Netzwerk für den Sexhandel mit Kindern gesprengt und damit eine zweijährige Untersuchung beendet, bei der laut einem Bericht und der Polizei fast 200 Festnahmen durchgeführt wurden, darunter ein hochkarätiger Booster für die Florida State University. Die Operation mit dem Titel „Gestohlene Unschuld“, die im November 2018 begann, wurde am Dienstag abgeschlossen - und die angeblich Betroffenen werden angeklagt, von der Aufforderung zur Prostitution bis zum Menschenhandel mit Minderjährigen, teilte die Polizeibehörde von Tallahassee in einer Pressemitteilung mit. Es begann, als Ermittler der Abteilung Bilder eines Kindes entdeckten, die auf einer Website veröffentlicht wurden, auf der Sex für Geld beworben wird, teilten die Behörden mit. Das Mädchen war 13 und 14 Jahre alt, als die mutmaßlichen Straftaten auftraten, berichtete der Tallahassee-Demokra...