Something is going on

Something is going on.
Some of us see it.

Some of us feel it.

It's time to expand your thinking.

You need to reset everything you thought you knew about the world.

About the people you trust.

About the story.

About you.

Let me tell you a story.

Our world has long been under the growing influence of a huge intergenerational criminal Mafia that has managed to reach the highest levels of power.

We didn't know because they talked and acted the same way you and I did.

We thought we could recognize true criminals by their words and actions, but were deceived by their refined language, wealth, education, beauty, and power.

Through a system of threats, blackmail and bribery, they would achieve the highest levels of power in government, business and education.

You may know them the Deep State or the cabal.

Most dangerously, however, they gained an almost complete influence over the media - their primary means of controlling the good people of the world who were just trying to get on with life.

They used this power to slowly convince us that we were the Problem, that we were a threat to each other.

They used race, gender, and Religion to set us apart from others, and rewrote history to corroborate these false claims.

They financed both sides of wars, only to destroy the potential to thrive and succeed as a peace-loving and creative force of good for the world.

Now, with a firm understanding of the media, we drank their conversation and lies as they began their final Phase - the total abolition of America.

We were the brightest beacon of freedom and the last hope of humanity.

They knew that the Rest of the world would follow if they could take America.

They have cut deals that have resulted in us handing over complete control of the monetary system to a private central bank, the Federal Reserve.

This made it possible to influence Washington DC, and most of our presidents have since been committed to criminals in one way or another.

Things took a really bad turn when they concentrated the enormous power in the hands of the many intelligence services around the world.

They said they were there to protect us.

Instead, these agencies were catastrophically armed to boost drug and human trafficking cartels, assassinate political opponents, undermine the military, and change the regimes of foreign governments that did not want to introduce this centralized system of money control.

You might think they would simply choose to remain in the shadow of their criminal activities while we continue our lives - but as long as people were free to succeed, the cabal was always in danger of being discovered and closed.

There was no way to proceed without a Plan to eliminate all threats to your survival.

even if it meant putting a single World Government under their jurisdiction - where no national identity, police or military could stop them.

They called it globalism.

Using our emotions and instincts of compassion, they found a way to justify the dismantling of cultures, borders and national identity under the guise of social justice. They created false narratives of racism, colonialism, and capitalism to destabilize and ultimately collapse societies so that they were no longer safe enough to reject this dark Plan for the world.

Where there was no history that could be distorted, they used wars to force a catastrophic mass migration of peoples across borders to destabilize and weaken cultural identity.

When we did not accept this, they called us intolerant and shamed us into silence.

Until 2008, America was in an advanced stage of economic decline.

with disastrous trade agreements leading to widespread job losses and a devastating financial crisis.

The cabal had now absorbed another vast criminal empire, oriented towards a twisted and radical form of Islam.

When they realized that competition could jeopardize their goals, they decided to work together and agree on mutual terms.

Now an enemy foreign enemy could insert a subordinate into the political system of the USA, who was to become president.

Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talaal financed Obama's Harvard education and assumed power by proxy. He chose his entire cabinet and bought large amounts of control in our largest media companies.

The Western faction of the cabal was different.

It was a different kind of disease.

A dark and deeply eerie death cult with a strong faith in symbolism and numerology with atrocities that are unimaginable to all right-thinking people.

The reach and extent of this secret society would have sent destabilizing shock waves all over the world if it had ever been publicly exposed.

They were highly qualified to live directly beneath the surface as they made their way into the presidency of the United States.

Are you ready to hear what both factions of the global Mafia now have under control?

Make sure you sit down.

They installed rogue operators in the government.

They opened back doors to publish highly classified military information and top secret special access programs (SAPs).

They have cut military funding and weakened the command of the generals with irrational new rules of engagement.

They have worked to dismantle NASA and end our supremacy in space.

They infiltrated and exposed defensive military intelligence programs that limited our ability to detect foreign and domestic threats.

They used our trusted agencies to attack and weaken political opponents.

They loosened our borders and allowed the passage of millions of illegal and violent criminal gangs.

They have moved money to fund global terrorism, which has led groups like ISIS to take over vast areas around the world.

In 2016, the cabal alliance had hoped to retain power.

If you are not yet chilled to the bone by the picture that is forming about your intentions for all of us, let me tell you what will come next.

Through international climate change fraud, they would have syphonized trillions of the remaining wealth, eliminated the last good ones in government, stripped the U.S. military of all funding, and handed over responsibility for our defense to the United Nations.

They would revise the Constitution to weaken our ability to defend ourselves, ban the sale of firearms, eliminate our self-defense, send their people to the Supreme Court, remove the Electoral College to neutralize our voting rights, and completely eliminate alternative media to protect them from exposure.

They have instigated a covert Deal to bring large quantities of our uranium to their conquered states in North Korea and Iran in order to build a nuclear Arsenal that would threaten the world.

They blamed Russia, a growing force of Opposition to their ambitions of global control.

By viewing Putin as an enemy and blaming him for this illegal uranium Deal, they had a devastating nuclear World War planned between America and Russia

this would have exhausted the last two remaining pillars of freedom for the world and hastened the terrible endgame that had become inevitable.

This cabal miraculously lost power in 2016, when a bold Operation led by a US military alliance and its global partners could legitimately bring power back to light.

They had their own Plan, which was in development for many decades.

When Donald Trump was chosen for the role of President, the people of America were slowly awakened to the reality of the world in which they live.

With so much hidden and lying in the media channels we trusted for our news and entertainment, this alliance of good guys set in motion a sophisticated strategy to dismantle the vast network of corruption that had overcome almost every level of government. Industry and legal system.

They knew that they had to obey the laws of the country as they had originally intended, otherwise they would themselves be delegitimized, even though they were only trying to free us from the quiet stranglehold of tyranny that we had accepted as normal.

The panicked Deep State used every remaining force to save itself

For two years each day was a careful and carefully planned balancing act between public perception and the work to be done.

Moving too fast would shock and frighten a sleeping audience that still lives in the prison of the spirit created for them.

But after all this, it now seems as if we have not only won, but also won!

The trajectory of this great storm is now brilliantly clear.

Now we look forward to a new future, thanks to the brave patriots who risked everything to save our world - this time for good.

There is no living one who has experienced what a world without this darkness could look like.

A world of free energy withheld from us to force our dependence on their fossil fuel monopolies.

Abolition of income tax, which was illegally introduced to repay interest on loans from the cabal banking system.

Released remedies for our deadliest diseases.

Unleashed space technologies to open borders we never thought possible.

New technologies create millions of jobs and lead to a global Renaissance of human beings that we have never seen before.

Fellow Americans and citizens of the world.

Now it's our turn to shine.

Wherever we are, we become a PLAN if we reject what they call globalism.

We recognize the words with which they have subjected us to their will, and we say nothing more.

It's time to turn off the media, follow your instincts, trust yourself and be the PLAN!

May God bless the world


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