CHEMTRAILS and quantum computers

CHEMTRAILS and quantum computers

The demons that rule the Earth have the technology of the third millennium. Keep this technology secret and hidden from us. You are dealing with stone age technology!

And why??

Man and Jinn Devils pursue a common plan! They want to mislead people. They want to lock brains into a kind of virtual realm (Matrix)!

For this you need a very advanced, secret technology. The fact that this technology is being decoded means that your plans are falling into the water!

On the other hand, they want to control people absolutely. Like a God!

To fulfill these ambitions, they had to develop a kind of divine technology!

God-technology or quantum computer!

Nanobots are sprayed into the atmosphere by Chemtrails! Nanobots are nano robots that can be the size of a dust particle or a smaller diameter. They are too small to be seen. Because they are the size of dust, they are also referred to as "smart dust".

The Chips are now nano size. Nanobots are now produced with Nano Chips.

Nanobots covered the atmospheric layer. These Nanobots mix into the body through air and Inhalation. They spread through blood and veins into every area of the body. They control the brain and neurons. You can manipulate DNA Software! You can repair or fake!

The dream of the demons that rule the Earth has always been to robot humans! For this they sought ways of transhumanism. I mean how to make humans robots.

Robot movies and robot dances reflect your understanding! For them, humans are robots. You have to move like robots and dance like robots!

A person who becomes a robot through transhumanism will hand over his will. He will have to act according to the will of his Lord (God)!

Nonobots and Matrix!

Nanobots sprayed with Chemtrails turned the atmosphere into a quantum computer! The atmospheric layer is filled with nano-Chips! It is the Chips that turn a Computer into a Computer.

The atmospheric layer was converted into a computer chip.Trillions of nano Chips (Nanobots) that can work like a Chip!

In the Matrix Film, cables were transmitted to the brain.The brains were connected to the Computer (the virtual world) via cables.

The atmospheric layer was transformed into a Matrix. We don't need cables in our brain to connect to The Matrix! This is done via Wireless / WLAN / WiFi and Nanobots!

What do you aim to do to transform the atmospheric layer into a Matrix??

God controls the Matrix! 

The Antichrist has the Matrix.He will play God with the Matrix-toy.He will let us believe that he is God. In the Matrix, he will have divine powers and forces. What God does will be the space in the Matrix!

The false God of a virtual (matrix) world!

What can you do with The Matrix??

What is possible in Hollywood movies is also possible in the Matrix!

What God can do is possible in the Matrix! (Further Details can be found in our article" transforming the atmospheric layer into a Multifonconal Instrument".)

The Nanobots that cover the atmosphere are controlled and controlled!?

With the CERN LHC. The Shape of CERN is in the Vision of a"ring"!

Lord of the rings means that he (the Antichrist) controls the Cern LHC, and thus the Matrix!

Further Information:

Jinn are made of electrons. Smokeless Fire = Electron. The Chips work either with current or with electromagnetic wave. Demons can dominate the material world with this System. You can be active in the material world through Nanobots, a quantum computer and a Matrix!

They can guide and control us more easily through Chemtrails and nanochip in the brain. It becomes easier to make delusions. Cases of insanity and insanity become even more effective.The Test becomes more difficult.Faith aside, it is impossible to remain a human being.

Films about Nanobots and the topic: transcendental&oq=movies transcendental & gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.3..0i8i30.4706.19827.0.20224. 7EVr3zpFCb8&rlz=1y1eczh_dede657de657#CPC=isch & q=movie transcendence


Note: the true God will not allow the will of men to be abused.


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