The Background of the Virus-conversation.

 The Background of the Virus-conversation. 

Prepare for the world debt Reset program " and UBI!                 World's leading radiation sickness "Covid19' s 2. and 3. he's preparing for his shaft. They are fine-tuning the blocking strategies to be implemented in 2021. The planning involves the development of a new world economy that promotes medical fascism as a permanent way of life ...  At the Davos summit level, a campaign for a new world government system is launched, accompanied by "oppression from below, active use of influence agents" and secret assassinations of leaders seen as obstacles the subsequent negotiations, the US president of the day will face the joint pressure of the Russians and Chinese. Until then, China's will will adopt a "reformed", A so-called democratic System!Historic closures will create mass poverty, and people's financial and food security will become weaker and more vulnerable.

And in the end, it will make the new world economy and its physical demands even more desperate ...The new global economy includes the requirements for a digital currency, a universal basic income, social and public movement and travel in society and the implementation of the "world Debt Reset Program".in 2021, a continuous standstill cycle will be created that will lead to an international economic collapse. Governments around the world have all their personal debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc.).) Through the promise of elimination, citizens are offered an attractive way out.All loans are granted to the citizen during the economic collapse when he participates in the" world debt Reset program", which is financed by the International Monetary Fund"IMF"...For the pardon of all debts and the right of free movement within the system, the citizen must lose all types of private property, accept a universal basic income and accept the universal vaccination program Covit 19, Covit 21 ...When closures and economic sanctions begin, citizens are allowed to gather in public places, meet families and travel, thanks to an identity that indicates that they have been vaccinated with all Covit 19 and Covit 21 vaccines ...Blocking 2020 is just the beginning of a much bigger plan ...

In order to force people into the new Plan and suppress resistance, Saharan hospitals and concentration camps are being set up worldwide ...  The first isolations begin in Canada and Australia ...The impending oligarchy is in line with the grand Plan of the World Economic Forum event 201, funded and supported by Bill and Melinda Gates, who have drawn up plans worldwide for the genetic modification of humans through vaccination experiments.The restrictions that emanate from the major metropolises and extend outward will require very strict, complete restrictions due to the Propaganda of the media that 19 cases of Covid exceed the test numbers every day, societies cannot bear it ...and with full vaccination around the world, the unemployment program is transformed into a universal basic income.

When the vaccination begins, it will live through the vaccination! all viral spread, vaccine offenses, mutations, high infections and high mortality rates 3 .he is charged as a wave...Anyone who does not accept vaccinations will either be placed under house arrest or detained in isolation centres such as concentration camps until they agree to comply with them.

Medical facilities will reach the highest capacity, and all governments in the world will increase the restrictions.Military personnel are sent to major cities and streets to create travel checks, house checks are carried out, whistleblowers are seen as a "public health threat" or "public enemy"...Under the name "debt relief", those who refuse to" participate "in the universal basic income and vaccination program are"considered as a risk to public safety and placed in isolation facilities".If you enter these facilities, you will be given two options, debt relief, covit 19 will participate in the Covit 21 vaccination program and be released or remain indefinitely in an isolation facility under serious threat to public health and all your assets will be confiscated!So, so; the puzzle pieces of the great plan of the eugenists will come into their place and form a new picture of the world and of humanity!

Maybe a Democratic Scan could take place in the US, maybe! 

Russia and China are also not behind the large reset concept, "for the moment"...Presidents, societies, scientists and armies in all nation states;  

At the" Davos Summit 2018", the grand Plan in which the Globe joins forces, resistance to the imposition of genocide was declared; the liberation of humanity and the nation states ...  His inability to fight back, will be the creation of a world government and the rise of the darkness of the Luzifarizms with the slavery of the digital ...

The destruction of a civilization with fake data ...

Random, Dear Humanity! ✔                           



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