How to best create obedient, controllable Zombies:

How to best create obedient, controllable Zombies:

Make fluorine into the toothpaste.

Mercury in the teeth.

Glyphosate in the food.

Extract vitamins and minerals from the food.

Inoculate them with toxic substances.

Sprinkle them with Chemtrails.

Dabble your mind with television hypnosis, gossip magazines and targeted manipulative news.

Close important chakras by e.g. baptism.

Hide real knowledge about health and disease.

Bring masses of false knowledge about health and disease.

Create a lot of hard-to-understand, contradictory, and thus inscrutable laws.

Bring contradictory knowledge among the masses so that they quarrel and split.

Do everything that is right, true and important is ridiculous.

Force them to maximum adaptation at a young age and suppress their natural needs and enthusiasm (school).

Teach them to submit unconditionally to authorities.

Distract them with bread and play away from the essentials. Install sports, culture, computer games, TV shows, mobile apps... 

Teach them that there is no God.

Teach them that there is no evil. 

Teach them that it is better to be selfish and always mindful of your own advantage. 

Traumatize them, as early as possible, through Stress/work. 

During pregnancy, instill fear in the pregnant woman of developmental damage of the child, do ultrasound, give medication, prevent natural births, cut the umbilical cord immediately after birth, advise against breastfeeding, advocate sleep training and cry endure, make foreign child care necessary and force the mothers to work.

Devalue the mother.

Describe families with 3 or more children as antisocial.

Increase radiation exposure by selecting harmful, rather than pleasant, frequencies for cell phone radio.

Create massive amounts of plastic that is ultimately built into your own cells.

Keep them poor by levies that you call solidarity and social or necessary.

Show them permanently that they cannot believe their own senses, their own perception, but only a (misleading) science. 

Install by all means a completely wrong picture of their true habitat (Earth). 

Install different religions so that they get lost and quarrel.

Create Hunger and scarcity in the world, but also abundance, so that envy and hatred arise and never hold them together.

Destroy their sacred sexuality with low pornography.

Let them feel alone and cut off from the spiritual world.

Suppress their clairvoyance by all means.

Teach them fear

- before death

- against diseases

- before authorities 

- before loss of existence

- before being alone

- from feelings

 with love


usw usf

Similarities with reality are, of course, purely coincidental.


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