Corona-vaccination interferes with DNA!

Corona-vaccination interferes with DNA!

After months of massive restrictions on personal rights, many people long for a "normal life" again, with all personal freedoms. According to federal research Minister Anja Karliczek, the key to this return lies only in a new vaccine that has yet to be developed. According to Tagesschau, the federal government wants to spend up to 750 million euros on this. Unmistakably, a key point paper of the federal government puts it in a nutshell:

"The corona pandemic ends when a vaccine is available to the population.“

This outlandish Definition of the end of the corona pandemic raises the question:

Does the vaccination lobbyist Bill Gates possibly exert more influence on the government than is officially admitted? According to an ARD Interview on 12 April 2020, Corona wants to invade the entire world population of 7 billion people. 

However, even Gates had to openly admit in an Interview that he expects 700,000 cases of vaccine damage from this Corona vaccination. Since already after the "swine flu vaccination campaign" many irreversible vaccine damage, such as the sleeping sickness narcolepsy, had to be recognized, this prognosis should be far understated.

Today, we bring you an urgent wake-up call that warns of an even greater danger from novel vaccines against coronaviruses, because these vaccines directly interfere with human DNA.

These so-called RNA vaccines could cause far more than the 700,000 cases of vaccine damage already predicted by Gates.

This concern is confirmed by a large number of experts. Here are just two examples:

Dr. med. Wolfgang Wodarg is a lung specialist, long-time head of a health office, SPD member of the Bundestag from 1994-2009, long-time chairman of the health committee in the German Bundestag, Initiator of the swine flu investigation committee

As a doctor and health politician, he says:

"This vaccination genetically changes the person who is vaccinated. We are excited about genetically modified plants and animals. Now we are to be genetically modified by such vaccinations [...].

Now billions of people are to be vaccinated. This is completely irresponsible. I can only recommend people:

Do not allow your children to be vaccinated, do not allow yourself to be vaccinated with a vaccine produced so negligently in a short time. This is business."

Professor Dr. Stefan Hockertz is a German scientist, Director of the Institute for Experimental and Clinical pharmacology and toxicology at the University hospital Eppendorf from 2003-2004; since 2004, Hockertz is self-employed.

He explains the novel RNA vaccination as follows:

It is said to be " free genetic Material [...] are brought directly into our cells and then read from our cells. This clearly means a genetic engineering change in humans. [...] In particular, we do not know whether this genetic Material is also incorporated into the germ cells, i.e. the woman's egg cells or the man's sperm cells, and is thus inherited.“

Obviously, vaccine manufacturers are also aware of the risk of genetic mutations, because the participants in the clinical trials of these new "gene vaccines" must commit themselves to strict pregnancy prevention.

The fact that these irresponsible "gene experiments" on humans are not played with open Cards is also shown by the fact that genetic modification directly on humans is not prohibited in the genetic engineering act, but excluded by Definition.

The fact that the legislator has exempted the vaccine manufacturers from any liability for vaccine damage to the body and life of the citizens in the case of recommended or prescribed vaccinations is a political scandal without equal.


A vaccine based on gene Manipulation will not end a pandemic, but could trigger a dramatic human catastrophe.

Genetically modified foods are to be declared as such openly and are strictly rejected by the majority of the population. Far more people would rigorously reject vaccination if they were informed openly and transparently that it directly changes their own genes.

A red line is definitely crossed here, because the population is innocent only because the mass media almost never report critically about vaccinations. The Gretchen question is therefore:

Why do the mass media not inform the population comprehensively about the risks of this RNA vaccination?

Could this irresponsible concealment or appease even have been purchased through pharmaceutical advertising revenues?

Dear viewers, do you agree that people must be warned immediately about this high-risk "gene vaccination"? Who warns the unsuspecting people, when the mass media are silent in an irresponsible manner? There is only one way out:

Inform as many people as possible. Therefore, support our urgent wake-up call by now spreading this Video on the social platforms via the link displayed. In this way, the Coronac crisis is ended not by a vaccine, but by an awakened people.


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