Michelle and Barack Obama

Why Michelle and Barack Obama can't be the biological parents of their daughters Malia and Sasha 

In 2014, shortly before her death, American entertainer Joan Rivers claimed that former First Lady Michelle Obama was a Transgender woman. The rumor has persisted to this day and has been fed in the past by numerous other inconsistencies, strange shots of Michelle and the question of who the actual parents of daughters Malia and Sasha are. The Obamas are still the book with the famous Seven Seals.

The alternative media has long been suggesting that Malia and Sasha are not the biological children of Michelle and Barack Obama, that they are either adopted or borrowed from a friendly couple for public appearances.

The fact is that neither ancestry.com still at genealogybank.com to find an entry about the birth of Malia and Sasha is what, if everything has been done with right things, should have been the case. What we do know is that Michelle Obama has repeatedly claimed that she cannot get pregnant.

Wikipedia writes that Dr. Anita Blanchard, a close friend of the Obamas, carried out the girls, although no official records exist about this either. Wikipedia refers to an article in the New York Times on December 13, 2008. 

There is much evidence that Anita Blanchard and her husband, the real estate agent Martin Nesbitt, are the biological parents of Malia and Sasha. The similarity between Malia and Martin Nesbitt cannot be dismissed. The striking facial features of Sasha Obama also resemble those of Anita Blanchard in an almost distinct way.

They are the real parents of Malia and Sasha. Whether the girls are adopted by the Obamas or only borrowed on certain public occasions is still a secret that is frequently discussed in the internet media.

But there are other piquant rumors. When the American entertainer Joan Rivers, who died in 2014, was asked if there had ever been a homosexual president in America, she answered as if fired from the gun: "we already have one with Obama, so calm down. You know that Michelle is a tranny."

Rivers then got into a fierce crossfire of criticism. The then 81-year-old never apologized. Instead, she took another strong step and said: "I think that's a compliment. She is so attractive, tall, with a beautiful body, a great face and great Make-up. The most beautiful women are Transgender."

So, did Michelle and Barack Obama only play Theater to the world's public – aren't they the cuddly family that millions of Obama supporters always think they are? The investigative Journalist and author Wayne Madsen writes in his book Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair:: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder? (English Edition) that Obama was an integral part of the Chicago gay scene – even when he was already a senator in Illinois.

Madsen further reports that Obama was sexually intimate with the homosexual Larry Sinclair, and that he was also said to have used cocaine.

Maybe Obama got to know and love Michelle in the Chicago gay scene. Again and again it is claimed that Michelle in truth saw the light of day as Michael LaVaughn.

This could also be the reason for Obama's Freudian slip of the tongue. In a speech, the Ex-president once named his wife Michael instead of Michelle.

In addition, Michelle Obama even described herself as a single mother. Does this possibly mean that the wedding was also just a public staging?

On the other hand, the Obamas still don't seem to be very amused by the rumors. They still like to present themselves as an intact model family. Sometimes, however, it is better to clear up a rumor in time before more unsavoury Details are added. The truth always comes to light in the end.

In her autobiography "Becoming", which is published in 25 languages worldwide, Michelle Obama reflects on her experiences and looks back on triumphs and disappointments.

The NPR radio station released an audio recording a few hours ago in which Michelle Obama reads from her book. A formative chapter of her life was thus at the end of the 1990s, when Barack Obama, 57, was still a member of Parliament in Illinois. At that time, the Obamas desperately wanted to start a family. "Getting pregnant was my Mission," says Michelle.

In order to fulfill this wish, Barack had even rushed home on a long evening of voting so that the couple could try it on one of Michelle's fertile days. Despite all our efforts, it didn't work out naturally: "no matter how hard we tried, I just didn't get pregnant."

Then finally the first positive pregnancy test was available. "We were full of joy. But a few weeks later I suffered a miscarriage," recalls the former First Lady. From that Moment on, Michelle Obama felt a pain when she saw mothers with their children on the street. Today she knows: "miscarriages happen all the time, often as you think."

After this miscarriage, the then-lawyer underwent fertility treatment. A friend had recommended her this way. "The doctor recommended me a drug that stimulates the maturation of eggs. For a few months."When that was of no use, the Obamas opted for In vitro fertilization, an elaborate method for artificial insemination.

They stuck to their desire to have children: "I wanted a family and Barack wanted a family."Although her husband could not help it, she found it unfair that he only had to give his sperm to the doctor, while she put her career behind the common desire to have children. "He didn't have to cancel any Meetings for the study."

Finally, artificial insemination was successful: on July 4, 1998, Malia was born. On June 10, 2001, Sasha was born, also with the help of the doctors.

After all, it doesn't matter if Barack Obama is gay and Michelle's real name is Michael. There are spicy photos that show Michelle Obama with a clearly visible bump in the crotch, which is certainly not due to A Wrinkle in the dress. In one of the photos, Michelle Obama even grasps the bump with her right hand in apparent shock.

Whether the photos are real or a Photoshop fake, is not known. However, there is some evidence to suggest that things are not as they appear to the outside world.

Obama's irritating slip of the tongue, the pictures of Michelle's bump, all these can be indications that there is indeed something wrong with the couple and that it is only a matter of time before the media bomb finally bursts. In any case, it remains to be seen whether the Mainstream media will still protect the Ex-president and his wife and refrain from embarrassing reporting, or whether in this case they will also refrain from special treatment and fulfil their duty of open reporting.

Therefore, it would be better for everyone to clear the air before it is too late and the damage in the end becomes even greater. At least Malia and Sasha have a right to a life without embarrassing question-and-answer game.


Sham family for the illusion business of the Matrix. Sexual orientation is free to every human being due to free will. But why is transgenderism propagated and yet not openly demonstrated by those who practice it?

The thing is this: in an effort to regulate reproduction in an age of digital worlds, the classical family understanding is in the way.

Here, new standards are to be established so that the child is fed out of the retort and consciousness into the digital Matrix. In this way, our understanding of the family is to be dissolved in a creeping and manipulative manner.


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