Jesuits brought vaccination into the world for population reduction!

Jesuits brought vaccination into the world for population reduction!

Doctors knew more than 100 years ago that vaccinations make people sick. Thus wrote the physician and homeopath Dr. med. Will 1927 in his booklet " The Little House doctor":

"Today's conventional medicine, allopathy, has rightly become more and more unpopular, because its research has lost itself under the spell of the teachings of Virchow, Koch, Behring and Ehrlich in theoretical speculation. She does not believe that man is a spiritual-psychic being who first creates the body and directs it with the help of the life force, but she considers it a machine-like mechanism without all spiritual-psychic impulses. (…)

With the vaccination begins the pathogenic, leading to chronic infirmity rape of humanity by the state and conventional medicine. Smallpox vaccination is compulsory in all children in the first and twelfth years of life. [ ... ] for this, hundreds of thousands, even millions of strong, healthy children are now suffering from chronic infirmity and increasing weakness and loss of work.

The smallpox lymph, which gets into the blood through vaccination, is in itself a disgusting, disease-causing product. But now, as has been proven time and again, it also contains Syphilis, tubercle and other bacilli species and thus becomes a main cause of the enormously increasing spread of these diseases."

Do we remember who prominently introduced smallpox vaccination in Europe? This was the Freemason and lodge master Edward Jenner in the 18th century, who had the sick idea of injecting cowpox from the udders of cows into humans, in the lie propagated outwardly that humans would then be immune to smallpox. With the support of the British Rothschild royal house, the people were henceforth vaccinated, throughout Europe and worldwide. Louis Pasteur was the French counterpart to Jenner. According to the Reconnaissance portal had Jenner also been a Jesuit, the Jesuits would have learned the technique of inoculating Japanese and Brahmin medicine men in the 16th and 17th centuries in order to put down the Reformation with the" poison needle". The whole was combined with occult rituals. You think this is ridiculous?

Then read on

The German pharmacist and naturopath Hermann Theodor Hahn (pseudonym H. Hennemann) already saw through the evil doings of the Jesuits in 1875 in his work "the worst Jesuits" (alternative title: "die Pillenjesuiten"). In the introduction to his book he wrote quite bluntly:

"Hardly five years ago the priests in the field of spiritual salvation had achieved their long-planned goals and had brought the Dogma of church-papal infallibility to the Vatican Council, when their kinsmen in the field of physical salvation were planning the same goals and in their turn were seeking to bring to bear a Dogma of Medicin-papal infallibility, the Dogma of vaccination, by means of the legislation of the newly established German Reich. That they succeeded in this is well known; but by what means and by what genuine Jesuit practices this imperial compulsory vaccination law came into existence in the first place, and what ominous significance and scope the same in connection with the other dogmas of the Medicin for the welfare and woe of the entire German people (...) and to want to regard it as a forced outcry in the name of the German people against the medicinpriesterliche rape that happened to them!"(old spelling adopted)

More confirmation can be found surprisingly on the official website of the Canadian Encyclopedia, which is funded by the Canadian government. There it says in an entry about smallpox that these were brought by Spaniards to America when they conquered the Caribbean islands (1507) and Mexico (1519). The first reports of smallpox cases in New France (then a part of North America) appeared in 1616, brought by French settlers. Between 1636 and 1640, according to the entry, the Jesuits brought smallpox to Huronia/Wendake (Canada). Because the priests baptized the natives, the disease spread rapidly and the natives referred to it as the "evil medicine of the black robes". The smallpox was obviously used as a weapon. In 1775, 20% of the population of Quebec City died of smallpox. In 1763, it is said in the entry, British conquerors used smallpox-contaminated blankets as warfare to defeat the natives. Unfortunately, the entry then continues in complete contradiction to the previously mentioned fairy tale that vaccinations have eradicated smallpox.

What we have now experienced is more than clear. The natives worldwide are regarded as particularly spiritual and close to nature. Smallpox vaccinations have largely eradicated them. For thousands of years, the knowledge of naturopathy has been appreciated and used every day. The Jesuit order and the Vatican suppressed this knowledge and replaced naturopathy with conventional medicine. By the way, the language of orthodox medicine (and also of law) is Latin. Latin means Rome, and Rome means the Vatican. "All roads lead to Rome."I hope that at the latest now some light has risen.

The "vaccination" of the "black robes"has been going on since the Middle Ages!

Today we are The Exterminating " natives"

What used to be the natives are now the "conspiracy theorists" and "esotericists", against whom a veritable Hunt is organized. As the Swiss biologist and Professor Beda Martin Stadler recently trumpeted in March 2019: "you could only eradicate measles if you could eradicate conspiracy theorists, esotericists and religious fanatics. It is to be hoped that one day the human mind will prevail."Of course Stadler demands censorship measures when he says:" anti-vaccination Propaganda has intensified because social media allows this to happen "and then continues:" scientific stupidities should disappear from the platforms like hate speech."Elsewhere, doctors and the media describe vaccination opponents as"antisocial, stupid and conspiracy theorists". Who recently declared vaccination opponents a global threat for 2019.

And who are primarily meant by" esotericists "and" conspiracy theorists"? But mainly enlightened, self-thinking and God-believing people. The hunting season has since opened.

But the rulers are targeting the whole of humanity with their planned forced vaccinations. With all this, one should seriously ask oneself the question, what must be in the vaccinations, if one wants to inject these – in the absence of immunization – with coercion and violence into the people? Secretive studies have recently revealed that unvaccinated children are significantly healthier than vaccinated children. If "epidemics" appear due to the first vaccination campaigns and the poisonings, this is advertised as "proof" of the danger and as a necessity for comprehensive vaccinations. Very refined. According to eyewitnesses, in 1918-1920 only vaccinated people fell ill with the Spanish flu, which caused up to 50 million deaths. What the mass vaccination alone could not do, the Aspirin did at that time, how to research can be removed. And a somewhat older article reported that, according to the WHO, smallpox vaccination would even cause HIV (London Times, May 11, 1987). What poison cocktails are in vaccinations and that measles outbreaks happen even with a vaccination rate of more than 99%, I have explained in previous articles here and here.

Quarantine and fine or vaccination?

In the New York metropolitan area, where since April unvaccinated people have been forced to stay at home for a certain period of time due to a "measles outbreak" in some regions or are fined up to US$ 2,000 per day, shows us what is planned worldwide after such testing phases. The next steps could then be forced quarantine in concentration camps and / or direct forced vaccinations. If we repeatedly fall for their lies, do not inform ourselves independently and even advocate vaccinations, then we give the Deep State permission for our own abolition – individually and collectively. It is therefore our free will that decides for assault and mass murder. Then the governments will carry out even more"fear and terror" Propaganda and increasingly push through certain measures at the legal level, let's all get ready for this. The president of the German Medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, already demanded in April 2019: "all vaccinations, which the permanent vaccination Commission recommends today for children, should be mandatory."In addition, he promised a daycare and school ban and added: "Although the obligation to vaccinate is then in doubt in conflict with the obligation to attend school. But politics must solve this Problem."

Now more Protest and resistance as well as enlightenment are more than ever needed!


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